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Blue Ridge Truck Service LLC
726 Cedar Lane, Cana, VA   24317
(276) 229-8051
Email Address: [email protected]
Location on Google Maps           Latitude: 36.599180   Longitude: -80.737110
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  Date of Service:   10/1/2018
  Company Contact:   Chuck Melton
  Work Done on:   Class A - Gasoline
  Service Performed:   Swapped out blown gas engine.
  Evaluation of Service Performed:   In July of 2018, my wife and I were on our
way home from Florida in our motorhome on
I-77 near the North Carolina/Virginia line,
when our engine blew. We were towed to
Blue Ridge Truck Service in Cana, VA. It was
about 5 miles away from where we broke
down. I asked how much the tow was, and
was told $350. I then offered to pay it in
cash. I was told by the driver that we could
pay it with the repair bill, as we were
discussing having Blue Ridge Truck Service
replace the engine. I was quoted a price by
Chuck Melton, the owner of Blue Ridge. He
stated that it would be between $4k and $5k
to replace the engine. We were devastated,
but since we owed $40,000 on the
motorhome, we had no choice but to have it
repaired. We agreed on the repair, and I
drove home in my towed pickup, planning to
make the 850 mile drive back to pick up the
motorhome when it was repaired.
It took about 2 weeks for us to locate a
replacement engine, and have it sent to Blue
Ridge. Meanwhile, I asked Chuck to remove
the contents of the refrigerator, so that the
food would not spoil. In fact, I told them to
keep it for themselves.
After the engine was delivered, I stayed in
contact via phone, periodically checking on
the progress. I found it odd that whenever I
would call, whoever would answer the phone
at Blue Ridge would become very nervous
sounding, and tell me, �You�re gonna have to
speak to Chuck. I don�t know nothin� about
it.� Chuck would never return calls, but I was
able to sometimes reach him on his cell
phone. He assured me that my motorhome
was in his shop, and being worked on. At
one point, he called me to tell me that they
were unable to reuse my intake manifold,
because they �couldn�t get it cleaned out�. He
told me that the part would be another
$1,800. I contacted Barnette�s Engine
company, and was able to get a manifold
WITH shipping, for $110. This put me into a
real panic. I realized that something was very
wrong, for his price to be $1,800 on a $80
part. After several weeks of getting the run
around, and being told by Chuck that my
vehicle wouldn�t be ready because of (insert
multiple reasons) 3 months had now passed,
and it was October. I told him that I was
coming down on the following Sunday, and I
would see him on Monday. He began
screaming at me, and telling me that it wasn�t
ready, and would take until Tuesday. I stated
that I would get a hotel and wait a day for it. I
then asked what my total bill was, so that I
could show up with enough to pay for the
work. Chuck told me that they had �gone
over the original estimate�, and that I would
owe $6,200.
That Monday, I arrived at Blue Ridge Truck
Service, with a friend, at about 9:00 AM.
There was one employee there, and my
motorhome was nowhere to be found. I
asked the employee where my motorhome
was. He stated �I don�t know nothin�. You
gotta talk to Chuck.� I then asked him how
long he had worked there. He replied �I don�t
know. You gotta ask Chuck.� He then called
Chuck from his cell phone, and stayed a
distance away, clearly so that I could not
hear the conversation.
I then called Chuck Melton, and asked where
my motorhome was. He became quite angry,
and told me that it was �at one of their other
locations�, and wasn�t ready yet. I asked if I
could retrieve my fishing gear from it, since it
wasn�t yet ready. He began to rant about not
being able to show it to me......it was too far
away.....insurance wouldn�t allow anyone on
the property....etc. It was obvious that he was
hiding something. I don�t believe that Blue
Ridge even worked on it. My guess is that he
had someone else do the work.
I then told Chuck that I would be back the
next day to pick up the motorhome. Chuck
agreed to have it there �at lunchtime�.
The following day (Tuesday), I arrived at
11:00 AM. My motorhome was there. Chucks
girlfriend or wife was inside, frantically
scrubbing the refrigerator out (which I was
charged for). Although the motorhome was
still full of fruit flies and maggots in the
refrigerator, and stunk horribly. I also noticed
automotive grease smeared all over the
carpeting and seats. It was filthy, inside and
out. At this point, I simply wanted to end this
nightmare, and get home. Chuck obviously
knew that he was about to take advantage of
me, as the building, which had only one
employee the previous day, now had about 8
guys hanging around. Most likely, in case I
decided to disagree with what was to come.
At this point, Chuck handed me an invoice
for $8992.37. I was flabbergasted! I also
noticed that my towing bill, which was $350,
had now jumped to $750! I asked how the bill
could jump some $4,000. Chuck stated
simply that �it took a lot longer than they had
thought�, and that replacing the oil lines and
cooler was expensive. Since I was told
$6,200 on the phone, I only brought a debit
card with $7,000 in the account. I asked
Chuck if I could pay $7,000 now, and send a
check for the balance when I got home.
Chuck suddenly became Joe Pesci, with a
�Pay me now, or Leave your motorhome
here� attitude. I was forced to borrow an
additional $2,000 from the friend who came
with me. I was also charged a $219.33 Credit
Card Surcharge, which is illegal in Virginia.
Note, this was not a �convenience fee�, but
labeled as Credit card service charge.
After settling up, we headed back home.
About 160 miles down the road, the exhaust
system blew apart. I crawled under the
motorhome, and discovered that they had
never even bolted the exhaust pipes to the
header pipes. The exhaust hangers were the
only thing holding the exhaust together. I
found also that one exhaust gasket was
missing, and the other was obviously old and
crumbled. Odd, since I was charged for
exhaust gaskets. My front passenger side
wheel hub was also leaking terribly, and the
front windows had been left open in the rain,
as there was mold, rust and even MOSS
growing in the inside window Channell! Upon
further inspection, I also noticed many other
bogus charges. I was charged $59.95 for a
�timing cover set�, when mine were reused
from my old engine. Another $95.99 for
coolant, in a V8 engine! $90.00 for �cleaner
and flush� on a NEW engine! And the list
goes on.
When I got home, I emailed Chuck about all
of these issues. He literally took NO
responsibility for ANY of it! Also of note,
there was another motorhome on the lot,
which the owners had removed their
belongings from. Chuck stayed to me that
they �couldn�t afford to fix it�. It�s my belief
that This scoundrel figures that I would walk
away from my $50,000 motorhome due to
the cost of the repair. He could then resell it,
and make a bundle.
I would NEVER recommend using Blue
Ridge Truck Service.
In addition, since I posted an honest review,
including photos, on their Facebook page,
they have emailed AND called me, making
  Value of Service:   Poor
  Quality of Service:   Poor

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