Date of Service:  
Work Done on:  
Class A - Gasoline
Service Performed:  
State inspection and some misc parts for maintenance.
Evaluation of Service Performed:  
Excellent. I've had Snyder's do the state inspection every year as well as a
few warranty items on my 2014 Winnebago Vista when it was under
warranty. I brought my coach in first thing in the morning and expected I
would have to leave it for the inspection since there was already a line
forming but they were on it before I could open my book and start reading.
They always have done a great job with everything I've asked and been very
accommodating. Mike in parts puts out good advice and recommendations
on what to get if I need anything, overall a very good experience.
Value of Service:  
Quality of Service:  
Date of Service:  
Work Done on:  
Class B
Service Performed:  
Safety Recall to fix routing of gas lines that could
potentially be damaged by emergency brake cable
Evaluation of Service Performed:  
Excellent. Called me quickly to get my Travato in
and inspected as this recall is a pressing safety
issue. Work was scheduled within a few days. On the
day of the repair, Joe checked me in and Paul then
completed the work quickly and thoroughly.
Everything was clearly explained. We are
appreciative of the Snyder's RV staff's concern for
the proper completion of this work and for our
Value of Service:  
Quality of Service:  
Date of Service:  
Work Done on:  
Travel Trailer
Service Performed:  
After buying and returning several tank handles that did not fit, it was suggested that I contact Snyders, as they dealt with Sunnybrook trailers. I spoke with
Jeremy, who took my info and description of the part and said he would see if it was available from a place he knew might still deal with Sunnybrook, as they
are no longer made.
Evaluation of Service Performed:  
Jeremy sent me pictures per e-mail of the part, and ordered it for me. When it came, it was the wrong piece, not the one pictured, so he again contacted
them to correct the problem. I offered to deal with the place directly, but Jeremy said he would take care of it. Eventually the correct piece was received, and
was packaged in a simpler way as to save me postage. I dealt with this from out-of-state as no one here could help me.)I felt Jeremy went out of his way to
help with this problem, and was always pleasant to deal with.
Value of Service:  
Very Good
Quality of Service:  
Date of Service:  
Work Done on:  
Class C
Service Performed:  
After my local Ford dealer closed that I usually take my RV to I decided to go to Snyders to have a state inspection done. I needed to order a part anyway. First I go into parts and ask if they can order this part and the guy behind the counter obviously is an idiot because he says "ahh ummm I dunno if we can get this stuff", it was window rubber seals, to which I replied...you had no problem ordering it a month ago? So he says oh OK guess we can. Doesn't ask what size or what length I need I had to hand feed him information. Then I go to speak with the service tech who was going to do the state inspection and while giving information and telling them there was no rush I inquired if they do oil changes, since I usually do them at the same time. The guy said yeah sure no problem but it might take a day to get to it and could I leave it there. I said no problem. Now mind you I have never paid more than 50 bucks for a oil change at the dealers so I figured it would be in that ball park, its an oil change not rocket science. So after not hearing from them I took a drove over to see if the work was complete. They said sure just go pay the service guy. Low and behold they present me with a bill for 165.00!!!!!!!!, I say how is this possible. Then they say oh we charge 100.00 an hour for LABOR on an OIL CHANGE!!!!. No signs posted ....no verbal hey just for your info this is our price. NOTHING!!!!
Evaluation of Service Performed:  
Value of Service:  
Quality of Service:  
Email Address of Reviewer:  
[email protected]
Date of Service:  
Work Done on:  
Class A - Gasoline
Service Performed:  
Repair Splendide washer
Evaluation of Service Performed:  
After calling and verifying that they worked on Splendide washers, I decided to drop off the washer at Snyder's. At that point, everyone was friendly and I was happy.
Several weeks go by and the unit was still not fixed. I called for several status updates, but each time they blamed the manufacturer for not getting back to them in a timely manner. However, I called the manufacturer myself and they answered the very first time I called. They provided very helpful information to me and said that they were available anytime that Snyder's needed them.
From there, it went downhill. After nearly 5 weeks, I went to pick up the unit. When I walked in, I asked if the unit was ready. They weren't sure, but they thought so. I asked if it had been run through a full cycle or two since it had the pump replaced. They didn't know. I asked if I could run a test there before reinstalling in the RV. They said they didn't know where the hose was, and didn't know where the guy was that actually fixed it - he had left and they didn't know where he was or when he would be back.
So, I decided to put it in my RV and test it myself. I was directed to the hand truck and my wife and I loaded and installed the washer ourselves - that's right, no offer to help as they sat in the service office.
By the time the full cycle was complete, the service department had closed. So, I left.
They called asking for payment. Since I was so fed up with their quality of service, choice language (they didn't curse at me, but they thought it was OK to use that language in everyday conversation), and delays, I decided to speak with Mr. Snyder himself. I called and very politely explained the situation to him. He put me on hold...I figured that he was going to see what he could do...but the next person to pick up the phone was someone in the service department who didn't care about the problems, just wanted me to pay.
I paid the bill. Is the washer fixed? Halfway...while it will now wash and dry, the status light flashes before/after the cycles. Splendide confirmed this is not correct behavior.
Bottom line: Nobody cares. I'll never set foot in there again.
Value of Service:  
Quality of Service:  
Be sure to read the Service Provider Response to this review at the end
Date of Service:  
Company Contact:  
Fred Snyder
Work Done on:  
Class A - Diesel
Service Performed:  
Motorhome taken to Snyder's on numerous occasions from 9/2007 - 7/2008 for warranty repairs including replacing 3 windows. Numerous other warranty items were not repaired even after leaving the motorhome at the facility for weeks at a time.
Evaluation of Service Performed:  
All three windows leak or were not properly installed. Snyder's did not complete remainder of warranty work as the owner's son declined to allow service technicians to work on the Journey because it was bought at another dealership. This was after leaving the motorhome at the dealership for weeks at a time with no work being performed. One indication of Snyder's performance is Winnebago agreed to authorize another local RV repair shop to complete the warranty work, including the windows, even though this shop is not an authorized dealer.
Be sure to read Service Provider Response below
Value of Service:  
Quality of Service:  
Service Provider Response:  
I would like the opportunity to respond to the review left on your web site on July 15, 2008. I remember this situation vividly as I am the "owner's son" who "declined to allow service technicians to work" on the customer's unit.
First off this customer never had an issue with my service department until this day. I never heard compliant number one about any "windows" or anything else for that matter before reading your review. I was aware the customer bought the unit out of state but continued to offer warranty work on his coach with a handshake and a smile.
The particular day in issue I was running the service department because my service manager was out. The customer drove into the dealership with NO appointment and insisted one of my techs look at his unit. I did not allow the tech to look at the man's vehicle as the tech was already performing another job. The customer grew irate as I told him to leave and call back and make an appointment just like any other customer. Once again the customer let me have a few choice words and departed my dealership. On this particular day the customer's problem was not even with the windows he mentions frequently in his review. As a matter of fact it was a Freightliner issue which we are not even an authorized service center.
It is our practice to take care of our customers first. However, we have never refused service to anybody. We are a Winnebago 20/20 Vision Dealer which distinguishes dealers who work on a certain percentage of transient customers. Customers' who did not buy from us.
As for the gentleman's claim of the unit sitting here on the lot, management never heard complaint number one. Free parking I guess.
Thank you for the chance to make my rebuttal. I recommend your site to customers on a weekly basis for true and non-biased information. I firmly believe this is a case of a customer who wanted something right then and there and when he didn't receive that service, he decided to punish us on the Internet. As I stated earlier, all the other instances for which he was in for service prior to this issue, I never heard a compliant. I see he never posted anything good about us previously, I guess some folks only want to tell about the bad times, not the good.
Jeremy W. Snyder