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Virginia Truck Center
3617 Nine Mile Rd, Richmond, VA   23223
Location on Google Maps           Latitude: 37.541543   Longitude: -77.387741
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If you are the service provider and want to respond to this review send an email to [email protected]. Please provide the name of your company, as it appears on the review, the date of service provided by the reviewer and the explanation of the problem from your perspective.
  Date of Service:   8/1/2007
  Work Done on:   Class A - Diesel
  Service Performed:   1998 Allegro Bus: Freightliner PM2 service; find/replace blown parking/running lights fuse.
  Evaluation of Service Performed:   I printed out the work schedule from the Freightliner web sight and checked off the items I wanted done. I highlighted the fact that I had already changed the engine oil and filter, and that the transmission fluid was also resent and need not be changed.

When I went to pick the unit up after a four day wait to have the service completed, do I have to tell you what had happened? They had changed the oil and filter, drop the pan on the transmission, changed all the filters and replaced the hydraulic fluid. I pointed out to them how carefully I had specified that on their drop off sheet that they should only do the work indicated on the attachment I had provided. After a few minutes of consultation in the back office, they removed about $600 worth of charges from my bill for the services they had performed which I had to attend not asked for. I later noticed that they had charged me for 30 quarts of engine oil, when mine only holds 22. The dipstick shows that the sump is not overfilled.

They charged me $300 to find and replace the 20 amp fuse, which turned out to be located under a fuse panel on the top of the dashboard. I have looked there but just missed it. It is difficult for me to believe that it took about four hours of technician time to find this fuse. However, the overall amount I wound up paying for all of the service that I got was not unreasonable so I did not quarrel with them further.

Their representatives were courteous and they took full responsibility for the failure to communicate clearly with their own technician who did the work on the chassis. While I wound up getting a good deal of free service as a result of their mistake, no customer could have done more than I did to try to prevent it from happening in the first place.
  Value of Service:   Fair
  Quality of Service:   Good
  Email Address of Reviewer:   [email protected]

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