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Sturken Auto/RV Repair
855 Mabury Road, San Jose, CA   95133
(408) 217-6699
Location on Google Maps           Latitude: 37.362660   Longitude: -121.883210
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If you are the service provider and want to respond to this review send an email to [email protected]. Please provide the name of your company, as it appears on the review, the date of service provided by the reviewer and the explanation of the problem from your perspective.
  Date of Service:   8/19/2020
  Work Done on:   Class A - Diesel
  Service Performed:   Repair of rear/drivers side leveling jack
  Evaluation of Service Performed:   I called Sturken Auto/RV Repair on Monday August 10th
to make an appointment, the said they had availability
on Aug 19th. I explained that the rear/driver side
leveling jack had an issue. It had leaked a ton of
fluid and we knew it needed to be repaired.

When we arrived on Aug 19th we were met with the front
desk mgr saying �did I tell you that we are short a
technician?� and when did we need the RV back. I
informed him that I had not been told they were down a
technician when I made the appt & that I needed it by
Mon Aug 31st for our Labor Day Trip.

The following day we received a call that the leveling
jack in fact needed to be repaired and that one of the
other front jacks also needed to be repaired. I was
told they were calling around to locate the parts to
repair it (they do not do any jack repairs inhouse
they send them all out).

On Monday Aug 24th I called to get an update and was
told that they had to let go of the technician that
had been working on our RV and that the owner & the
front desk person had personally gotten under our RV
to look at both jacks & that they could not be
repaired & had to be replaced.

We decided that we would again do our own
investigating & called Bay Hydraulic. They instructed
us to bring the jack to them & they would repair. I
called Sturken & let them know that we would be in to
pick up the rig. When we arrived they handed me a bill
for $320 for the inspection. I informed him that their
inspection had been inaccurate & we had gotten the run
around for days, the front office manager started to
argue the point saying �You cannot repair that jack &
I don�t care who told you that!!�. We had done a lot
of research and knew that the jack could be repaired.
I got up & we argued for a bit, I then asked to speak
to the owner.

The owner comes in & we explain the entire story of
our experience. The front desk person says �I fit you
in to get your RV repaired!�, I told him he in fact
did not fit me in (I caught this guy in at least 4
different lies).

The owner calms down his front desk person & asks to
see our RV (I had thought he had already looked at it
according to the front desk person). He goes out and
looks at the jack with my husband, again arguing that
it cannot be rebuilt/repaired. He then tells us that
if Bay Hydraulic is able to repair he would wave the
$320 charge. Then he offers to remove the jack & take
it to Bay Hydraulic himself, we accept.

We called Bay Hydraulic about 2hrs later & the jack
was definitely repairable. Never did I receive a call
from Sturken with the update or an apology. I called
Bay Hydraulic on Friday Aug 28th to get an update and
the jack had been picked up by Sturken on Wed. I then
call Sturken and he informs me that the jack is ready
but they cannot install it until the following week. I
asked for the details on the final pricing & he
informs me that the charge would be an additional $520
for the repair, fluid, etc. I asked for clarification,
since he was the one that said he would wave the $320.
I knew that the repair for the jack for Bay Hydraulic
cost $220, the owner of Sturken informs me that he
upcharges for the repair/etc. I asked about him saying
he would wave the $320 since the jack was repairable,
he said that he didn�t charge us for the removal &
would not charge us for the install. He informed me
that we were not going to get the $320 back. I did not
expect a refund but I definitely didn�t expect another
$520 bill.

I told him that we would pick up the jack & install

This company and the owner will never see our business
again. They do not know what they are doing & argue
even when they are wrong, they don�t stand behind
their word.
  Value of Service:   Poor
  Quality of Service:   Poor

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